Women In The Cleaning And Restoration Industry

The cleaning and restoration industry is moving in a positive direction as more women join the ranks in what was once considered a heavily male-dominated space. Beyond just working on restoration crews, more women are taking leadership positions on industry boards within the IICRC, RIA, and IRCA. This provides them opportunities to have a voice that directly impacts how restoration companies are run. 

Some women are often asked “why” they’re choosing to work in a male-dominated industry. While the answers vary from person to person, here are some important points of consideration:

Women Value Independence & Security

We’re seeing more women take the reins in managing their own companies, and this goes beyond cleaning and restoration businesses. The reasons for starting and managing a business vary from attaining financial security, making a meaningful impact, securing independence and more. Women taking on leadership roles in the restoration space are using their voices to not only make a positive impact on the industry, but also secure a future for them and their families.

Stereotypes Don’t Matter

Women in the industry have faced incidents of being questioned when managing a restoration job, conducting a job interview, and making executive decisions. These assumptions can be tied to stereotypes that are rooted in the tradition of men being leaders for all cleaning and restoration jobs. Stereotypes are often subconsciously made and hardly ever reflect the truth. We know this because time and time again, women have proven capable of managing restoration teams in a highly efficient manner. As they continue to provide valuable insight and leadership for their teams, we will continue to see improvement and growth in the industry as a whole.

Women Make A Difference

R&R first introduced the Recognizing Women in Restoration award in 2016. It has since been a highly sought after and anticipated award given to outstanding women leaders in the industry. The award is presented at the Violand Virtual Executive Summit, and will follow suit this year at the upcoming virtual summit. 

At Violand, we are proud supporters of women in the cleaning and restoration industry. We’re happy for the changes that have taken place thus far, and the future of the industry as more women join the ranks as crew members, leaders, and board members. We’ve been able to witness firsthand the positive impact that women are making on the industry, and will continue supporting them in the years to come.

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