Frontline Closing Strategies

From Call to Contract

Overview of the Frontline Closing Strategies Program

Your employees are “closers,” and they don’t even know it! Equip your staff to treat every interaction as an opportunity. Those who are on the front lines, such as Project Managers, Estimators, and Crew Chiefs, will learn how their client interactions can move prospects closer to signing the contract.

About The Frontline Closing Strategies Program


This course was created to help those on the front lines be better able to convert opportunities into customers. Anyone whose role is to influence the prospect, such as estimators, project managers, and crew chiefs, will discover skills to help them clearly understand their role in the company, and ultimately, close more jobs with less work.


This program combines schedule flexibility and remote learning to offer a format everyone can attend. Taking place through the Zoom platform, the course is comprised of 5 one-hour sessions held live once a week. Putting the pieces together from call to contract, your frontline staff will learn ways to treat every client interaction as an opportunity and understand the cost of lost opportunities.


Developing the mindset of your staff to treat every client interaction as an opportunity will lead to improved closing rates, increased gross revenue, creating future opportunities, and quicker cycle times.

Your frontline employees will learn:

Closing Rates: The importance of closing rates / the cost of lost opportunities.

Proposal Presentation: How to address what is truly important to each customer and overcome objections.

Presenting More Proposals: Improve your closing rate and discover how it creates more time to present more proposals.

Closing the Deal: The “secret” that makes it all work (it’s not really a secret)​.

Creating More Value: How to work toward moving from salesperson to Trusted Advisor.

Creating Future Sales: Build relationships based on trust, honor, and clear communication.

Developing the mindset of your staff to treat every client interaction as an opportunity will lead to:

improved closing rates

creating future opportunities

increased gross revenue

quicker cycle time

In some companies, 7 out of 10 legitimate opportunities are lost.

Turn More Calls Into Contracts

Learn how to close more jobs with less work and make more money.

Frontline Closing Strategies


Per attendee

5 credit hours – IICRC
5 contact hours – RIA