Overcoming Hiring Challenges In The Restoration Industry

When it comes to hiring capable and motivated people in the cleaning and restoration industry, the task is much easier said than done. With an increasing shortage of individuals pursuing trade jobs, the talent available is in short supply. As a boss or hiring manager, how do you find the talent necessary to run a successful business? How do you decrease the employee turnover rate? How do you manage a winning team?

From the team at Violand, here are some tips on finding and hiring the right employees for your cleaning and restoration business.

Make Your Company Known

Step up your hiring game and make your job openings known through multiple channels and platforms. We live in a digital-friendly business environment that makes advertising jobs easier. Be sure to establish a strong presence online that allows you to share your brand and expertise to all your potential hires. Building an online presence takes time and persistence, but it will pay off in the long run by helping you recruit qualified hires.

Don’t Cut Corners In The Hiring Process

While it may be tempting to hire anyone who submits a resume, avoid taking shortcuts in your hiring process. It’s a risk that can stack you with team members who aren’t well equipped in performing their jobs. We recommend taking time to fully evaluate potential candidates. Consider the long-term success of your business when reviewing resumes, conducting interviews, and hiring new employees.

Create Employee Personas For Each Job

When you’re drafting out requirements for each job, think about the behavioral traits and skills required for that position. Creating personas helps ensure that every step of your recruitment process clearly communicates what kind of an employee you’re looking for; thus giving you the best and most qualified candidates. You can dive deeper into creating personas by including compatibility expectations so you hire someone who’s a good fit for the entire team.

Develop An Employee Retention Plan

As a business owner, one of the most important things you can do is ensure your employees feel valued. Create an environment where your employees feel comfortable, but also where they can feel challenged to excel. Conduct frequent interviews with your current employees to see what their thoughts are on the company and workplace environment. Take notes of what they like, and where improvement needs to be made. Understanding and making the work experience worthwhile for your employees is crucial in retention, and also hiring new employees.

At Violand, we’re dedicated to helping you learn the best business practices when hiring and building your team. We’ve helped restoration and cleaning businesses grow since 1987. Contact our team of experts today and we’ll help you start developing your team and maximizing profits for your business.

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