
Stop me if you’ve heard this one. Father Ollie and Father Sven were pastors of separate churches in a small northern town. Father Ollie led

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Covid-W, Part III

As we’ve seen, COVID Whiplash (COVID-W) can affect any area of a business: finance, customer service, operations, sales and marketing, and even human resources. It

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Covid-W, Part II

For years I’ve been telling business owners that the financial performance of their company follows their behavior, and their behavior follows their thinking. If you

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Covid-W, Part I

It’s hard to believe it was just a short twenty-eight months ago when an uninvited guest now known as COVID-19 decided to pay the world

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Driver Education, Part II

Developing as a supervisor or manager demands a different set of skills than performing technical work. Soft skills such as communication, listening, empathy, and coaching

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Driver Education, Part I

In most trade industries, and especially within restoration and cleaning, there is a significant amount of training geared toward helping new frontline hires gain the

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